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Fun Fact Friday~It Happens.


Fun Fact Friday~It Happens.

While we try to teach our children all about life, our children
teach us what Life is all about. 

My fun fact Friday has to do with raising boys.

I have learned that raising boys is interesting, fun, comical, rewarding and I am enjoying it everyday but......

It happens that raising boys you are faced with difficult questions but,......

those questions sure make you think.

Our oldest son, who just turned 13 is a typical BOY. And I have found myself getting asked questions like:

"Mom, how do you ask a girl out?"
"Mom, I really like this girl."
"Mom, I want to take a girl on a date. Can I?"
"Mom, I asked that girl out. No, I didn't text her. I went to her face."
"Mom, how do you know you are in love?"

I could go on and on, but the fact is that I am excited, scared and a little sad that my boys are growing up to be men.

The fact is, I want to make sure that My Cowboy and I  are raising our boys to be gentlemen.

My fun fact Friday~It Happens is just that.

IT HAPPENS that boys will ask questions and I want to make sure that I have the right answers.

So these are a few of our responses:

Open all the doors for her.  I mean every time and every girl, lady or grandma.  ALWAYS!
Always let the girls go thru the door first.
Pull her chair out, ALWAYS.
You always pay the Bill.
You always ask a girl out in person.  ALWAYS. No text message, snap chat or email.
If you are walking down a street, you walk closer to the street. (I can remember my mom telling me the importance of this little gesture. She would tell me that if a guy does this, he is a keeper, because he will protect you.)
Never walk ahead of her. Walk with her.
Always walk her to the car or to her door.
Carry her bags.
If she is cold, give up your coat.  If she doesn't have a seat, give up your seat.
If you have a hat on, take it off at the dinner table.
Give her compliments.
Be a friend and listen. Be trustworthy.
Don't be nosy. Her phone is hers. Her purse is hers. Don't look in it.
Send Thank you notes.
Help others. Lend a hand when you can.
Have good manners.
Work Hard.
Look people in the eye.
Keep your pants up.  No exceptions.

It happens that they are curious and we want to have the right answers.
It happens that they hear things at school and I want to make sure that they can talk to their parents about it.
It happens, that boys grow up.
It happens that boys turn into young men and I want to make sure that we are raising gentlemen.

Tell me: Do you have boys? How are you teaching them to be gentlemen?

Boys will be boys.
It Happens, they grow up.
It is our job to make them gentlemen. 

It Happens. They grow up way to fast.

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