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Wanna Be A Cowgirl?


Wanna Be a Cowgirl?


“Wanna Be a Cowgirl? Be Different, Be Proud and work your butt off.”

Being a cowgirl to me is a lot more than just the clothes that I put on every day.  It is about the way that I live my life.  It is about the choices that I make.  It is about putting effort in everything I do.  It is about raising my children to be gentlemen, or a lady, to be respectful, to be kind, and to put others first. It is about meeting all our animal’s needs and taking care of the land that we have. It is about being thankful for what we have.

Being a cowgirl to me is more about being an example and putting my heart in everything that I  do.  It takes an everyday effort to work hard, to have a good attitude, and to be different.  It also takes patience and love. It is something that I work hard on every day. 

Every day is rewarding when you have a Cowgirl Spirit.

Reata & Sloapy. Our 3 year old Cowgirl
The determination of this little cowgirl makes me want to be a better Mom! She is a very indepentant and she loves her horse.  These series of pictures show exactly what I mean.  She worked at tying Sloapy up until she had it. 
Reata tying her horse up.

A little try never hurt anyone!

A patient horse can teach so many leasons.

"Mom, I can do it!"

Boots, Class & A Lil Sass
that's what little Cowgirls are made of.

Look at this knot.  A little girl with little hands and a determined heart
made a knot!

"I figure if a girl wants to be a legend, she should just go ahead and be one." ~Calamity Jane

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