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Mother's Day


Mother’s Day

Miss this smile everyday.

Every Mother’s Day I am over whelmed by my emotions, emotions that tend to run every day when I think about my mom.  I use her advice daily, and feed off of her determination and will power. 

I will never forget Mom’s love for animals, how she cared for others, her love for her kids, and her love for the outdoors.  My Mom was a strong woman.  Mom climbed mountains, every mountain life put in her path. She had storms and she had rain, but she never let that stop her from climbing to the top.

As I get older, I realize all she did and how much I took it for granted.  I want to be more like my Mom.  I want to show my kids how important it is to keep climbing.  I want them to know sometimes life is not easy and that life is not always fair, but to reach for their goals anyway.

One of my favorite things about being a mom is hearing, “Mom will you hold me?”  Life is not about all the material things.  It is about all the silent, little things.  Life is about climbing the mountain even if you don’t really want to.  I have a secret; it is easier to climb that mountain with friends by your side.  I am very blessed to have friends that help me climb mountains in my life.

Happy Mother’s Day to my mother who is now my angel.  Happy Mother’s Day to all my friends, each of you make up my silent things.  Each of you makes my day a little brighter and I want you to know that.

Adoption Day for Me.  Thankful for my MoM!
Biology is the least of what makes some one a mother~Oprah Winfrey


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