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What Is Success
Ralph Waldo Emerson
To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty;
To find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived;
This is to have succeeded.
Ryder and a couple of New Additions to our Ranch. He is in LOVE |
The kids learn to watch the mother cat. She always leads them to her babies. They have learned that patience pays off. |
A new addition to the Circle L! He has no name yet. |
We have had a lot of rain and therefor we have a lot of tad poles. So a lot of tag poles means lots of toads and frogs. It is a nightly activity to gather frogs and toads. |
Tad Poles. |
Kason & Parker. Friends are an important part of Life. I love these two boyz. |
Tripp & Reata. They both don't realize it yet but they are learning a very important lesson called SHARING. It is a hard lesson for all of us. |
Ryder knee deep in a hole. My ranch kids require a bath every night. |
Cooling off after a neighborhood gathering. In our country the kids use buckets!! |
Meet Jag. He broke his leg. He now is in a cast for 6- 8 weeks. He is a puppy, he has had to S-L-O-W down. It is important to slow down and enjoy life. |
Reata supporting PAPA at a ranch rodeo. Our Papa is battling cancer. Everyday we pray for him. Everyday the kids talk about him. No one Fights Alone. Cowboy Up for FRED. |
Everyday Kason is feeding, bathing, walking, talking, and caring for his 4-H Steer. He told me "Mom this is a lot of work but I can not wait to show him off." |
A cowboy with his steer. The smile tells it all. I am proud that these ranch kids are learning that hard work pays off. |
Cade and his steer. Cade told me the other day that this is a good experience. I agree. I would like to work at my projects just a little bit harder. |
All you need is a few friends and family and a ball. |
The flowers are so pretty this year. I know that God is looking down on the meadows and smiling. The colors are amazing. |
Everyday we see this pheasant. He is at our gate every morning.
He always sings us a song and shows us his wings.
The problem with this lesson is what are you going to do when you get to the top and you can not climb anymore? |
Meet PRINCE. He is a draft horse. He is so gentle. He is a hoot to ride. He has a big Heart. |
Labels: ranch kids, ranch lessons, ranch mom
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