01 02 03 From the Corner of the Circle L: A Sunday Thought from the Circle L! 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

A Sunday Thought from the Circle L!

A Sunday Thought from the Circle L!
Reata bringing flowers to her mom.  This little girl already knows
that flowers make you smile!

And whosever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.

Matthew 5:41

So have you ever had friend not give you the time of day?  You walk by them and they don't say anything to you?  Or maybe you send them a text and they don't respond? I know the answer is "Yes." It has happened to me.  I have been thinking about what I could do different. The verse in the Bible tell us that God expects us to go an extra mile and be friendly to them anyway.  It is very easy to get upset at them.  In fact, it is easier to get upset then it is to have God's grace and mercy.

This week I want to aim for kindness and give them encouragement.  We have no idea what our friend(s) might be going thru or what kind of day that they are having.  This week I want to go an extra mile for all my friends.

I am super proud of this young man.  Helping his team win
a championship and also being humble.
This is proof that helping friends is so important. This team consist of 5th and 6th grade boys from Bridgeport and Dalton.  They are the champions!  But better yet they won the Sportsmanship Award also.  
I am proud of each of these young men.  They are a great group.
They each helped the team win.  It warmed my heart that they
all took care of each other.
Thanks to the coaches for being good examples and for all you did
for my son.
Thank you to the parents of these fine young men, this season
has taught me a lot about have important you are.

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