01 02 03 From the Corner of the Circle L: #toastafarmer by CIrcle L 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

#toastafarmer by CIrcle L

#toastafarmer by Circle L!

Farming and ranching run thru generations of my family.
Grandma and Grandpa Beaver never gave up Hope.
Enduring things like the Dust Bowl, they still took care of their
land and their cattle.  Today, #toastafarmer.
Today is World Food Day!!! "Family, Farming: Feeding the World, Caring for the Earth."

Today and everyday should be World Food Day

My story today is simple.  My family is doing our part in feeding the world and caring for our Earth.
I also have a simple thought.  It is important that we all understand the simple basics of farming and ranching.  It is traditions and dedication, it is care and love for our animals and land. So here is a toast to all the farmers and ranchers in the WORLD.

Tripp Drieling, Ryder and Reata Loomis
The next generation of ranchers and/or farmers.  

These two fine young Cowboys, motivate me to be better.  These two will be feeding the world, sooner rather than later.

I am PROUD to be a family owned Ranch!!

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