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What the Blue Corduroy Jacket has taught ME!


What the Blue Corduroy Jacket has Taught ME!

In honor of National FFA week, I decided to write a blog about the blue corduroy jacket.  
There is something special about that jacket.  

My blue corduroy jacket still hangs in my closet.  Every time I see it, I am reminded of all lessons learned and all the experiences.

The blue corduroy jacket gave me strength.
The blue corduroy jacket gave me courage. 
The blue corduroy jacket gave me work ethic.
The blue corduroy jacket taught me team work.
The blue corduroy jacket taught me business skills. 

In 1994, I believe, Chugwater High School gained an FFA Chapter.  I happened to be a freshman.  I joined the Chugwater FFA not really knowing what it meant.  Today as I write this, I am thankful for my FFA experiences. 

The blue corduroy jacket has influenced me to be confident and to be responsible. 
The blue corduroy jacket taught me about livestock judging, range management, plant identification, record keeping, business skills, meat identification, public speaking, parliamentary procedure, and job interview.  
The blue corduroy jacket gave me opportunities to bring out the qualities within myself that I didn't know existed. 
The blue corduroy jacket brought out my personality, and personality is a big part of success.

While being a Chugwater FFA member, I participated in livestock judging, welding, public speaking, meats judging, range judging, and attended state and national conventions. I was also a chapter officer for four years.  

The blue corduroy jacket taught me to accept constructive criticism and to turn that into a positive experience.
1998 receiving my State FFA Degree
The blue corduroy jacket has taught me to look forward to new and challenging opportunities.
The blue corduroy jacket has taught me life lessons.

FFA advisors are, in my book, special people.  They are leaders, examples, and they form many young people into very responsible, hard working adults.  My advisors probably don't realize what they did for me, but I am grateful for all our practices and for him pushing me when I didn't want to be pushed. I believe in leadership from ourselves and respect from others.

The blue corduroy jacket taught me that hard work will and does pay off.
The blue corduroy jacket has given me experiences that I will never forget.

The future of agriculture is in good hands.  I am on the Bridgeport FFA Advisory Committee, and when I am helping Mrs. Cobble and the FFA students, I am reassured that the next generation of agriculturists will do a great job.

Magic happens when you wear a Blue Corduroy Jacket.


To read more about the history of the blue corduroy jacket please visit What is FFA about?

I am on the Bridgeport FFA Advisory Committee.  This is an honor.
This is the 2013-2014 Bridgeport FFA awarding me with the Honorary Chapter Degree.

1998 Chugwater FFA Officer team at the National FFA Convention
in Kansas City, Missouri.

FFA Creed
The FFA Creed.  We can all learn from it!

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