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Happy Earth Day from the Circle L!


Happy Earth Day from the Circle L!

Earth Day 2016, Earth Day, Circle L Ranch
"Trees for the Earth" is this year's Earth Day Theme.
 Trees are very important to us at the Circle L Ranch. They
provide shade/protection for our cattle, help control erosion and
help provide us with clean air. 

When your  main office is the great outdoors and your commute is on horseback, preserving and protecting the Earth is part of the job description. This Earth Day 2016, America’s cattle farmers and ranchers are recognized as having one of the greenest jobs.

Earth Day, Trees, Earth Day 2016
“Every day is Earth Day on the Circle L Ranch -
it’s the right thing to do and our ability to keep
feeding Americans depends on it."
“My Cowboy and I work every day to teach our four children what it means to be truly passionate about the land and the animals.  Preserving natural resources is how we make our living and how we secure our family business for our children and grandchildren.”

Everyday is Earth Day at the Circle L! Each and every day, our goal is to leave our land better than it was yesterday.  Here is a list of ways that we help in preserving our planet.

We utilize innovative practices to raise more beef with fewer natural resources.

We partner with state, local and national environmental agencies to monitor land, water and wildlife and make improvements to the environment.

Allow livestock to graze and consume natural and organic forages that convert to healthy, nutritious beef.

Utilize rotational grazing in which livestock are moved to different pastures to prevent overgrazing.

We protect open spaces from development through programs like conservation easements.

We recycle materials such as feed bags, pop cans, feed sacks and plastic containers (mineral tubs), batteries, used motor oil, tires, and scrap metal.

We save Energy.  We use Windmills to pump water for wildlife and our animals. We turn things off like lights and unused electronics.

We maintain open space as cattle grazing pastures, allowing land to remain natural, free of trash, debris and invasive weeds and trees.

We maintain and introduce habitats as homes for numerous endangered species.

Hold up water on ranch lands for extended periods of time in order to replenish underground aquifers and filter out nutrients and particulate matter.

We plant trees for windbreaks, which provide protection for livestock, wildlife and soil.

We optimize delivery of feed allowing for fewer trips to the farms.

We reduce fuel consumption by using ATVs that use less fuel than other farm/ranch vehicles.

We utilize solar-powered electric fence chargers.

We use recycled products to build fences and to fix machinery.

We provide habitat for ground nesting birds.

Control weeds and prevent residue build-up on pasture land so it doesn’t turn into hot and dangerous fires. 

We grow a garden.

We open our windows in the morning and close them in the afternoon.

We have chickens and pigs that eat our food waste!

We wash our clothes in cold water and hang them to dry on the clothesline.

We use reusable bags like Thirty-One bags.

These are just a few ways that we care for our earth.  Like our neighbors and our friends, ranchers and farmers are a valuable asset to our earth. So on the Earth Day, I would like to say "Thank You" for all do.

I am  thankful each day that God is letting us take care of his land.

I wanted to share with you some photos from the ranch. 
Earth Day 2016, Circle L Ranch, Wildlife, Wild Turkeys
 Circle L Ranch provides habit for wild animals to live and thrive. 

Ranch Kids, Ranch Life, Nebraska, Earth Day
“As short-term stewards of this land,
it’s our job to ensure it’s left in better shape for the next generation.”

Earth Day 2016, Earth Day, Trees, Circle L Ranch
Circle L Ranch~Murphy Place

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