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Fun Fact Friday from the Circle L!


Fun Fact Friday from the Circle L!
Brisket, a good source of protein and essential nutrients.  

My fun fact Friday has to deal with a challenge that I accepted 30 days ago!

Being a busy mom, ranch wife, store manger, and volunteer I need energy!! So when I was asked to do a #proteinchallege, I accepted.  I decided what will it hurt. I am so glad that I accepted.

To be honest with you I thought that I was taking care of my body by fueling it with healthy food and exercise but after the #proteinchallenge, I learned that I was not taking care of myself.

Here are a couple facts about my #proteinchallege.
Being healthy is a goal of mine.
 I am still working on my fitness
goals, but I feel much better now
that I have done the #proteinchallege.
I usually don't post body selfies, but
I am so happy with my results I wanted

I learned that I only ate about half of the protein that my body needs.
I learned that I have a lot more energy if I eat my full protein requirements for the day.
I lost 5 pounds!
I lost 6 inches!
I learned that having a high protein breakfast makes a world of difference.
I learned that I don't need snacks if I get my recommended protein.

Its a fact, that adults in the U.S. are encouraged to get 10% to 35% of their day's calories from protein foods. That's about 46 grams of protein for women, and 56 grams of protein for men, according to WebMd . I would encourage you all to take the #proteinchallege

Another fact is a 3-ounce serving of beef provides more than 10 essential nutrients and about half of your Daily Value for protein. (http://factsaboutbeef.com

My favorite part of the challenge is that I can eat BEEF!  Beef is so important to my diet.  For more facts about beef in a healthy diet: http://factsaboutbeef.com/2015/02/19/beef-healthy-diet/

To help me with my protein challenge diary I used a an app on my phone called My Fitness Pal. It is a good way to keep a diary of what you eat.

Another challenge that I took with the #proteinchallenge was to drink 100 oz. of water a day. Water is so important to our bodies and drinking 100 oz of water and eating my recommended serving of protein has made me a better healthier person.

So, my friends, I would challenge you to enter the #proteinchallenge and see what kind of results you get.

Prime Rib, helped me meet my protein goal
for the day!!

Since I work in town, Subway makes a very good
salad loaded with protein. 

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