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Fun Fact Friday!


Fun Fact Friday!

I have found the job where I fit best. 

The world of agriculture is changing.
Just as the business world is changing in the cities, there are more women getting involved in the work force in all areas including agriculture.
I mean with all the technology and advances in today's society there is bound to be change.

One of these changes is Women in Ag. According to the USDA, in 2013  30% of all U.S farms had female operators.

This study also found that the number of women operating farms had increased sales classes. Which means that women can be just as good at managing as their male counterparts. 

For all Women in working in Agriculture and other business, "Hat's Off!" 
I wrote a blog about being a Sales Woman. Read it here!! 

My Cowboy and I are in the ranching business together. We 
work together at our operation.  I think that being able to work
along side a man is a good thing. 

Happy Friday, Friends!!!

My Cowboy and I are in the ranching business together. We
work together at our operation.  I think that being able to work
along side a man is a good thing. 

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