01 02 03 From the Corner of the Circle L: Happy Holidays from our Place to Yours! 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Happy Holidays from our Place to Yours!


Happy Holidays from our Place to Yours!

Wishing you all a Season of Gladness, a Season of Cheer, and to top it All off,
a Wonderful Year!!

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Luke 2:14

My thoughts today include this:

What is Christmas really about?


The Bible tell us what we should be doing during Christmas season and everyday. Worshiping God. Thanking him for sending us his Son. And you know what? The Bible never mentions Christmas lights and glitter. It does however, tells us about the Light of the World and what He has done for you and me.

To live in peace on earth.
To live with good will toward their fellow man.
To help the world to come to know Jesus.

I encourage you to discover the true joy of Christmas by sharing what you have with others.
A word of encouragement or a smile can mean the world to someone.
Just keep your heart open and look for ways to be a blessing.
I want to have a giving heart.
This week my prayer is that I will let God use me in a special way this Christmas and every day of the new year!

I want to end with this:
What do you want to get out of this Christmas season?  I want to slow down and enjoy the season without going overboard.  Yes, we’ll still see lights, and other Christmas decor but at the end of the day I want to focus on my heart and mind on the one who made Christmas possible.

What’s on your heart today?
Sit a spell and tell me how you’re doing.  The hustle and bustle of the season will still be there when you go, but your heart and mind will be focused on what really matters to you.

Our Christmas Wish to you all.
That your heart be light as a Snowflake;
that your troubles melt away like snow.
And a drift of Blessings surround you and yours.

Merry Christmas from our place to yours.

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