01 02 03 From the Corner of the Circle L: Sunday Thought from the Circle L ~ How to Stay Humble. 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Sunday Thought from the Circle L ~ How to Stay Humble.


Sunday Thought from the Circle L ~ How to Stay Humble.

Be Stong, but not Rude; be Kind, but not weak; be Bold, but not Bully; be Humble,
but not Timid; Be Proud, but not Arrogant. 

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.
James 4:10

Did you know that today is National Humble Day?

C.S Lewis said this, "Humility is not thinking less of yourself. It is thinking of yourself less." This quote defines humility perfectly. Being humble is a virtue. Being humble has been one of the hardest virtues to learn and observe. Today I want to share with you a few ways to stay humble.

Be teachable. Be willing to learn. Being able to receive constructive criticism and apply it shows you are humble.

Help others out. Do you know if someone is struggling? If you do, I encourage you to help them out. If you're not aware of others situations are you too concerned occupied with your own struggles?
If you have a time for others it keeps you humble. This helps you redefined struggle and strength.

Go without a comfort for a day or two.  Think about having running water in your house, think about being able to eat whatever you want, these comforts make our life easier and when we think about others that don't have such comforts. Being grateful for what you have keeps you humble.

Being humble magnifies appreciation of those around us.

How do you deal with pet peeves from your friends?  One of the things that I do is write down the pet peeves and then ask myself how many of those things that I can humbly overlook.  Try it, it works!

Those who practice humility tend to reflect inward, but when it comes to where we focus our energy; it's all about other people. Staying humble and putting others before ourselves, doesn't mean  that we are hurting ourselves, it means that we do it in a mindful manner.

Being a humble person means that we have more courage to try new things. With a focus on others, there is less pressure to be perfect.

So how can we practice being humble? I have come up with a few ideas.
Listen more than talk.
Give credit to others.
Remember we are God's creation, not our own.
Recognize that our talents are gifts, not our own ability.
Help others out.
We are all sinners. (In other words, we are no better or worse than anyone else.)
Give others the benefit of the doubt.
Act more humble.
Be positive. Give compliments.
Accept new ideas and changes.
Don't boast.

Being humble is a journey that we can all share and help each other out. In today's busy competitive society sometimes being humble is hard. Right? Everyday, people see others taking advantage of a situation trying to get ahead or make themselves look good and it really doesn't do anything for them. Being humble means to be generally quiet, meek and typically not self serving. This is a good set of attributes to be seen, but is a very difficult trait to be known for since being humble involves so many behaviors in our lives and is really the opposite of the way most people are living their lives.

I aim to be more humble today on National Humble Day and for the rest of my life.  What about you?

Happy Monday, friends. Have a good week.

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