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A Sunday Thought~Come to My Banquet


A Sunday Thought~Come to My Banquet

We are all invited to dine with God.
From now till eternity.
All we must do is join him at His Banquet.

O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
Psalms 34:8

Today I want to talk to you about going to a special banquet. 

It is a FREE event.

I want you all to join me.

Many of us go through life with a weak-worn-out mentality. Let me give you an example.

"Well, I can't do it; I don't have what it takes."
"Well, I don't know how you do everything you do. I struggle with what I've got."
"Well, I can't do that."
"I am too tired."
"I'll never be that good."

If you have ever said that, then you are conforming yourself to that weak-worn-out mentality. I know that I have found myself saying those above statements. Those weak-worn-out mentality statements allow ourselves to be full of fear, worry, doubt and anxiety and those statements will make us surrender to a weak-worn-out mentality.

It is in those times that we have a free ticket to God's banquet. It is time to step up to God's dinner table and take part of His feast. You see, God has prepared for us to attend. You know what he has prepared for all of us?


God has prepared a special place for you and for me with everything that we need for a life that is full of potential. Will you pull up your chair and take the place He has prepared for us?

When we choose to attend His banquet, we will have statements that sound like this:
"I can do it and I have what it takes."
"I can do everything because I have God on my side."
"I am well rested and ready for anything."

"I am good enough."

You ticket is already paid for.

Will you join me at His banquet?

Happy Monday, dear friends.  

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