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Fun Fact Friday~ Hormones,Beef & Us


Fun Fact Friday~ Hormones, Beef & Us
Beef, Hormones, Family, kids, Health
These Circle L Ranch kid's health is in my hands right now. I help them
chose what they should eat to keep healthy. I want to make sure that they
are getting their daily amounts of vitamins, minerals and protein. I provide
them with Beef on their plates everyday. Beef is full of healthy vitamins, minerals
and proteins for their busy, growing bodies. 


Hormones, beef and us. It is a touchy subject, but it shouldn't be. 
You see, there are more hormones found in 3 oz of cabbage than a 3 oz. of beef. (1)

As humans, we naturally produce estrogen. 
Fruits and vegetables naturally produce estrogen.



You see, an animal that has been implanted with a growth hormone isn't going to affect you or your children. The meat you eat from an implanted animal isn't going to make your daughter or son hit puberty. 


Let me explain. 

Estrogen is measured in nano-grams (ng). A ng is one billionth of a gram, which is equivalent to one blade of grass in 2 football fields. (2)

We, humans, naturally produce several thousand times the amount of estrogen found in beef. Take a look at this:
An adult women produces 513,000 ng/day
an adult male produces 136,000 ng/day
an women on birth control produces 35,000 ng/day
and our pre-puberal children produces 41,000 ng/day. (1)

WOW, right? 

Ok, so now look at this:(3)
A 3oz. serving of potatoes contains 225 ng
a 3oz. serving of cabbage contains 2,016 ng
a 3oz. serving of peas contains 340 ng
or 3 oz. of soy milk that you add to your latte contains 11,250,000 ng

So what are you thinking now?

Do you have more questions?

I would be glad to help or take a look at the references below.

Just a few more thoughts:

A beef animal that has been implanted with a growth hormone provides a healthy meal for all of us. Implants are used in beef to help improve the feed efficiency of the animal, and helps provide a healthy supply of beef using fewer natural resources. Implants in cattle have been approved by the U.S Food and Drug Administration since the 1950's. (4

On this Fun Fact Friday, I want to reassure you all that it is our human nature to be fearful of things we don't understand or are not familiar with. I would encourage you to always do some research and make inquires yourself before believing everything that you read or hear. Misinformation and lies surround us everyday about hormones and beef, but don't let that detour you from the truth. 

Happy Friday, Friends.  The weather here is forecasted to be HOT!! Hello Summer!

My references, check them out. 

1. http://www.iowabeefcenter.org/information/IBC48.pdf 
2. http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.movma.org/resource/resmgr/imported/MVMA_Growth%20Promotant.pdf
3. http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/beef/2846/15997?utm_campaign=wdn_social&utm_medium=share_this&utm_source=wdn_facebook

4. https://www.meatinstitute.org/index.php?ht=a/GetDocumentAction/i/53720

5. http://www.beef.org/uDocs/Growth%20promotants%20fact%20sheet%20FINAL_4%2026%2006.pdf

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