01 02 03 From the Corner of the Circle L: A Sunday Thought~ "What's My Why" 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

A Sunday Thought~ "What's My Why"


A Sunday Thought~ "What's My Why"

Sunday Thoughts, Circle L Ranch, Faith Family Ranching
"Lives scenery becomes beautiful when we forget the negative whys, and
remember the positive whys." 

That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not Judge of all the earth do right?
Genesis 18:25

My thoughts this past week have been on the word "WHY."

I find myself thinking about this word. So what really is my WHY?

I find myself trying to figure out WHY certain things happen to myself, my family and our friends. I find myself trying to setting goals, but never finishing them. I find myself not really knowing who I really am. 

Do you ever have those feelings?

Do you know what your WHY is?

We may never know all the answers to the WHYS and that is OK.
All our goals might not happen and that is OK.

I find myself wallowing around in self-pity because I don't know the answers or because I don't hit my goal. I mean, I sometimes spend hours thinking of the WHY's and the WHY-NOTS. But this week and the months to follow, I plan on leaving the negative WHYS out and bringing in the positive WHYS. I want to focus more on my dreams and my goals. I really want to find out my WHY.

This is WHY I am going to try to leave those Whys OUT:
They cause Stress.
They cause Anger.
They cause your feelings to be hurt.


These are the WHYs I am going to keep:
Why did I set the goal in the first place?
Why did those things really happen?

By leaving out the negative WHYS and bringing in the positive WHYS, I believe that we all can find our true selves.

My Final Thoughts Today:

What is our why? Why do you want the things you want in this life? If we want to achieve these goals, we need to first start out answering this question. 

Remember, anyone can tell us what we need to reach our goals, but it won’t matter unless we know what motivates souls within ourselves.

I want to trust God more, knowing that all negative WHYS will go away. I want accept that we will always have some unanswered questions and that is OK.  

I aim to find MY WHY and I want you to join me.

Happy Monday, dear friends. 

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