01 02 03 From the Corner of the Circle L: Happy 240 Birthday, America!! 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Happy 240 Birthday, America!!


Happy 240 Birthday, America!

4th of July, Circle L Ranch,
"I believe in America because we have great dreams and we have the
opportunity to make those Dreams come true."

Since this is the 4th of July weekend, I thought I would share with you some fun facts about this great place that we can home. ~America~ I know that I am thankful for this holiday.

According to MarketResearch, 190 million pounds of Beef are purchased in the week leading up to July 4!! Wow, that is a lot of burgers being grilled. Love it! I know that having a good, grilled hamburger is one thing that our family loves. 

According to the Census Bureau, $247.1 Million is the value of Fireworks that United States gets from China.  I can tell you that we have supported the local fireworks stands!!  What I really mean is that I should of have bought stock in the companies that make fireworks! 

According to All the Circle L kids, July is their favorite time of the year.  Why, I asked them? "Because of all the fireworks!" 

 It is a Circle L tradition to attend the Camp Clarke Stampede in Bridgeport, Nebraska!! We love Rodeo!

I have added a couple of videos for your watching.

Friends, please have a safe and Happy Fourth of July. 

What do you do for the holiday?

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