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A Sunday Thought~Integrity


A Sunday Thought~Integrity

Integrity is choosing Courage over Comfort; Choosing what is right over what is fun,
fast, or easy; and choosing to practice our Values rather than simply professing them. 

He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.
Luke 16:10

This post has been brewing in my head for a couple weeks. It's one of those post that is hard to write. Why? Because I fear of being judged or rejected, but after my dear friend Terryn I attended the Cultivate & Connect conference in Kansas City by Ag Chat, I decided that I am just going to say what is in thoughts.

This little word has so much in it.
I want to talk to you about it today.

The word is: Integrity!!

What does it mean?

“Integrity is doing right when no one is watching."

God wants us to be people of integrity, people of honor, people who are trustworthy.

Can we rise to this or do we prefer to pretend we have integrity?

I started writing notes about Integrity and created a list of characteristics we need to have to assist us in our understanding of integrity.

Nonstop Personal Growth:
We need to be constantly in learning mode. We must be honest with ourselves, seek guidance to discover and work around our bad spots and always learning.

A promise is a promise: 
I don't need to say anything else. We need to keep our promises.

We need to be reliable leaders. We need to stick with problems and issues until they are resolved.

Don't just blame others and/or take the blame ourselves, we own the situation and all of its outcomes. Be accountable for our own actions.

Just do the right thing: 
Just do the right thing, at the right time and for all the right reasons.

Respect is earned. It is done so by showing respect and an acceptance toward others. Respecting others means understanding different values and beliefs, recognizing, accepting and developing the skills of others. Respect also means communicating and interacting with those around us with empathy.

Be there!! That is all.

Don't be fake! Be clear and real.

What are you doing to lead with and strengthen the integrity of those around you?

This question is what I need to ask myself EVERY DAY. It is so important to share our story and help others see past the false fear that their integrity is only as strong as the secrets they keep.

It is my goal to do better. It is my goal to show integrity.

God will only trust us with more after we have been faithful with a little. Our lives are an open book before God and our lives should be an open book before those who are around us. God looks at our hearts and motives.

Running on Smiles and Love this Monday afternoon. 

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